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Irish Wolfhound Picture

Picture of Irish Wolfhound painting

Wolfhound at Higgins Armory Museum

Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas

Original Painting For Sale on Etsy

This Irish Wolfhound was at the Higgins Armory Museum a few years ago when they were having an exhibit on medieval hunting. The museum, which sadly has closed since, was set up like a castle indoors, complete with arches and stained glass windows and suits of armor lining the stone walls.

On this particular day, an Irish Wolfhound rescue group had set up on one end of the hall with three of their dogs. I was a bit leery of getting too close to them at first. We had just visited with a delicate Italian Greyhound who was also part of the exhibit. After the small greyhound, the wolfhounds seemed closer in size to horses than to dogs. But the wolfhounds quickly won us over. The dogs were at ease with us despite the loud echoing of people's voices in the hall, and were sprawled across the floor.

The dog in the painting was the largest of the three dogs. He was huge, but you can tell from the half moon in his eyes that he was a bit nervous of my camera. We were sad when the rescue volunteers told us that these magnificent dogs usually only live around seven years.

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