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Dog Art by Rachel
Yorkie Portraits

We met Jasper and his human parents at the 2014 Annual Whiskers Walk. Jasper was strapped into his carrier seat on his dad's motorcycle. He was wearing a ... Read more about Jasper and view the full portrait
Chocolate Lab Pictures

Snow has drifted across the bottom of my window, but painting this Chocolate Lab that I met last year on a hot summer day is just what I needed to get through the winter doldrums. Please see the final painting of Chocolate Lab
Dog Portraits

Kimba is a mixed breed dog, probably shepherd with a bit of terrier thrown in.
You can see this painting on a gift item by clicking Kimba
German Shepherd Pictures

At the Annual Whiskers Walk, a passerby told us that this dog was a Belgian Malinois. But the pictures on the internet that I saw later of Malinois shepherds showed dogs with straight noses. The nose of the dog at the Whiskers Walk seemed to resemble a German Shepherd's more, with a little dip towards the end. But, Continue about german shepherds
Corgi Pictures

One of my high school friends lived deep in the country, in an energy efficient rough wood home surrounded by fields of long grass, wild flowers and weeds. The first time I visited her, we were standing at the end of the long gravel driveway, when read more...
Chihuahua Pictures

I love the expression on this dog's face! In the reference photo, the Chihuahua was chewing a shoe. But I wanted to give the dog another guilty pleasure. Read more...
Irish Wolfhound Pictures

This Irish Wolfhound was at the Higgins Armory Museum a few years ago when they were having an exhibit on medieval hunting. The museum, which sadly has closed since, was set up like a castle indoors, complete with arches and stained glass windows and suits of armor lining the stone walls. Read more about Irish Wolfhounds...
Beagle Artwork

Because of their superior sense of smell, beagles are sometimes trained as sniffer dogs to search out illegal items. But mostly these hounds are companion dogs whose gentle nature makes them good with children.

This beautiful puppy has grown into an elegant dog, but she still has a puppy's sense of play.
Black Lab Portraits

Black Labrador Retrievers were originally used to come along on fishing expeditions where they caught fish that fell free from nets. These dogs enjoys going into the water. They have webbed paws that help them swim. Their coats are made up of short hairs growing very close together which gives the dogs good resistance to weather.
Black Labs can also hunt small game, but their mild temperament makes them great companion dogs. This dog usually gets along with other household pets.
Chihuahua Portraits

Chihuahuas are such an old breed that they have their place in both Mexican folklore and in archeological finds. They are named after the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua.
Chihuahuas often snap at people if they feel threatened, so they may not be the best pet for a family with small children.
Chihuahuas are very small dogs that can have either short or long coats. They have delicate stomachs so they need a diet low in oil and fat. Although their stomachs are very small, Chihuahuas' brains are large in comparison to their bodies. In fact, Chihuahuas have the largest brains in proportion to the size of their bodies when compared to any other breed of dog.
Collie Portraits

Dogs with long or thick fur benefit from a good brushing before a bath. As well as relaxing your dog, the brushing will give you a chance to spot ticks and other problems.
After putting your dog into the tub, slowly apply the shampoo. Rub it into his back, tail, legs, belly, chest, and neck. Wash his head and face last, as these are the most delicate parts.
Use shampoo that is labeled non-stinging. Squirt the shampoo onto a flannel cloth so you have control over where the shampoo is rubbed. Make sure you don't accidently get any shampoo into your dog's nose, ears, mouth or eyes.
Rinse your dog, rub off any excess shampoo, and then rinse again. Rub your dog dry with a thick towel. The calmer you are, the calmer your dog will be during the bath!
Corgi Christmas Card

Our favorite corgi dressed up to meet Santa.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Merry Christmas Corgi!
Corgi Portraits

Watercolor on cold press paper
Another happy dog at the Annual Whiskers Walk fundraiser for local animal shelters.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Corgi on The Lawn!
Dachsund Portraits

Watercolor on cold press paper
The expression on this tiny dachshund's face demonstrates the love and loyalty that this breed is known for.
Dachshunds were originally bred as hunting dogs in Germany around three hundred years ago. The name "dachshund" means "badger hound." Their original role in the hunt was to go down into badger holes, and to hunt them in their own tunnels.
German Shepherd Portraits

Year after year, German Shepherds rank highly (usually in second place) in the list of most popular breeds.
They were bred from farm and herding dogs who showed intelligence, strength, speed and loyalty.
Although their roots were from dogs whose main purpose was to herd and protect sheep, German Shepherds soon proved their worth in other jobs as well. They are popular service dogs for the police and military.
Through careful training, these dogs can assist in tracking criminals. A well-trained dog will not attack without a command... unless he needs to protect his handler. With their keen sense of smell, German Shepherds can also sniff out bombs, narcotics, or other evidence.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking German Shepherd.
Golden Retriever Portraits

Watercolor on cold press paper
If you like having lots of spare hair around the house, the Golden Retriever’s shedding habits may be right for you! Golden Retrievers have beautiful fur, but they need frequent brushing.
Their fur is one way to tell them apart from another breed they are often confused with: Yellow Labrador Retrievers. Golden Retrievers have longer coats and bushier tails than Labs. The average-sized Golden Retriever also tends to be slightly shorter and slightly heavier than the average-sized Lab.
Both breeds of dogs are good-natured family pets. And both are intelligent enough to be trained as guide dogs or search and rescue dogs!
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, greeting card or other item by clicking Golden Retriever.
Greyhound Portraits

We met this beautiful dog at the Greyhound Rescue Booth at the annual Whiskers Walk.
The greyhound is a very old breed that was brought to England by traders no later than 900 A.D. Greyhounds were originally hunting dogs, but are now more frequently thought of as racing dogs. In the recent past, greyhound racing dogs were often killed after they retired (usually between the ages of 2 and 6 years old). This practice has decreased greatly, due to the work of Greyhound rescue groups. Greyhounds, are good, gentle dogs who don't shed much as some other breeds.
We met this beautiful dog at the Greyhound Rescue Booth at the annual Whiskers Walk..
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Greyhound Rescue Booth.
Husky Portraits

The owner of these beautiful dogs could hardly keep up with them.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Huskies Art.
Chocolate Lab Portraits

Chocolate Labrador Retriever playing in leaves.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Chocolate Lab
Labrador Retriever Portraits

Before introducing a dog into her new home, prepare the area to make it as stress-free as possible. Gather the supplies your dog will need (leash, food, bed, identification tag, and the like) so that you have everything for your dog’s comfort on hand.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Yellow Lab Gift Ideas for Dog Lovers.
Pug Portraits

Pugs may appear to have sad expressions, but they are playful and lovable dogs. They are often described by the Latin phrase multum in parvo, which means "much in little." Pugs may be small dogs, but they have huge personalities.
Pugs have short coats that don't require much grooming, but special care should be taken to keep the folds of their skin clean.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Pug Puppy Dog Gifts
Rat Terrier Portraits

We hadn't heard of Rat Terriers until our friend introduced us to her dog Blue. Rat Terriers originated in Britain, most likely a cross between Smooth Fox Terriers and Manchester Terriers. Once in America, other breeds (including beagles, whippets and Chihuahuas) were added into the mix to make smaller dogs.
Rat terriers were originally popular as farm dogs because of their speed and skill at catching barn rats. They are also sometimes used to hunt small game. any attribute Teddy Roosevelt with giving Rat Terriers their name.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Ellen's Blue Rat Terrier.
Saint Bernard Portraits

When many people hear the name "Saint Bernard", they imagine a powerful dog, a cask of liquor slung around its neck, bounding through snowy mountains.
Saint Bernards were rescue dogs in the Alps, but they didn't carry brandy (which would be dangerous for someone suffering from hypothermia). The dogs were originally bred as guard dogs for the Great Saint Bernard Hospice, which St. Bernard had founded to help protect travelers through the Alps. Saint Bernards were later used as rescue dogs. The great dogs could even sniff out victims of avalanches and would go for help (if there were more than one dog, one would stay with the victim to keep him warm).
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Saint Bernard - Dog mugs, cards, shirts, gifts...
Shar Pei Mix Portraits

Shar Peis appeared in Chinese pottery as far back as the second century B.C. as hunters, herders, and guard dogs. Besides facial folds that make them seem to be frowning, these dogs often also had blue-black tongues that were thought to scare away demons. If a purebred Shar Pei's tongue doesn't turn blue-black as the dog ages, he or she won't be shown or used for breeding.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Shar Pei Mix.
Chocolate Lab Portraits

Softly call your dog's name if you want to wake him up. Even a well-behaved dog may snap or bite if he is awakened suddenly by someone touching or shaking him.
You can see this painting on a gift item by clicking here Chocolate Lab.
American Straffordshire Portraits

Another happy dog at the Annual Whiskers Walk fundraiser for local animal shelters.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking American Straffordshire Terrier
Westie Portraits

"Westie" is short for this breed's full name, West Highland White Terrier.
Although there were white terriers in Scotland before the Westie breed came into being, white dogs were considered "weak."
Colonel Edward Donald Malcolm developed the breed at the end of the 19th century. Malcolm kept several light colored terriers for hunting. One day when he was hunting with his favorite terrier, he mistook it for a fox and shot it by accident. Wanting to ensure the same mistake wouldn't happen again, he bred dogs that were pure white.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Westie Dog Art
Golden Lab Portraits

Golden Labs are one of the three recognized colors for Labrador Retrievers (Black and Chocolate are the other two coat colors). Even though they have "Labrador" in their name, they actually originated in Newfoundland.
Yellow Labs are very friendly and are gentle with children.
You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, or other item by clicking Yellow Labradors.
Corgi Christmas Card

Here's a painting that is a perfect Christmas card. Please click to see this painting
Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.