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golden retriever portrait

Golden Retriever Portrait

Watercolor on cold press paper

If you like having lots of spare hair around the house, the Golden Retriever’s shedding habits may be right for you! Golden Retrievers have beautiful fur, but they need frequent brushing.

Their fur is one way to tell them apart from another breed they are often confused with: Yellow Labrador Retrievers. Golden Retrievers have longer coats and bushier tails than Labs. The average-sized Golden Retriever also tends to be slightly shorter and slightly heavier than the average-sized Lab.

Both breeds of dogs are good-natured family pets. And both are intelligent enough to be trained as guide dogs or search and rescue dogs!

You can see this painting on a mug, shirt, greeting card or other item by clicking Golden Retriever.

golden retriever portrait corgi christmas card dog portrait retriever portrait border collie

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